Friday, February 11, 2011

Ik heb mijn toetje gekregen!=My dessert has been served!

Monday, February 7, 2011
Dear Family!
How are you doing?! Time is just flying by! I am almost already a week into my last transfer and it's just going faster and faster every second! I LOVE MY NEW COMPANION!!! Her name is Zuster Jeffs and she is from Arizona! She is my little blessing sent straight from Heavenly Father to make my last 6 weeks the best ever! I picked her up on Wednesday at the train station and we just clicked from the moment that we met. It is like a breath of fresh air! She loves to be obedient and she loves the Netherlands and she loves the people and she loves missionary work...and I love her! We have been workin’ our little hearts out since the minute she got here and we have seen so many miracles! She can already speak amazing Dutch and we are teaching as a team. I know that she will be so prepared in 6 weeks to take over Den Haag and I put my full confidence and trust in her!
Well, on the down side, I have been hit with the flu again! I feel like I am reliving what happened 6 weeks ago when Zuster Hill arrived and I just can't believe it! On Friday and Saturday I started to not feel really well-really weak and shaky. Then yesterday morning I woke up quite nauseated and with a fever but I didn't want Zuster Jeffs to miss her first Sunday like Zuster Hill did so I just pushed through. I made it through RS and then I taught the lesson for sharing time in the second hour but by the time Sacrament Meeting was starting I was done. We stayed for the sacrament and then we snuck out and went backto our apartment. I climbed into bed and didn't come out for the rest of the night. We had a couple of appointments that we had to cancel but there was one dinner appointment with an inactive family that I didn't want to call off because it was our first one with this family and we really feel good about working with them. I began to say a prayer in my heart that we would be able to find some members to help us out if that was the will of the Lord. I texted one of the Jovo's and asked her if she had time to go to the appointment with Zuster Jeffs and she replied quickly with a resounding yes. I then texted Jolanda and asked if she could stay with me and she also quickly responded. I am so thankful for the willingness of the members here! Zuster Jeffs said that the appointment went really well! Since today is just our p-day I stayed in bed until 7, took a shower, and then climbed back into bed. Zuster Brubaker just wants me to take it easy today, and that is exactly what I am going to do. She counseled us to stay in tonight, which is hard, but if it will give me the energy I need for the rest of the week then it is worth it! Keep me in your prayers that I won't be in bed for 5 days like last time!
Like I said, with Zuster Jeffs, miracles are taking place! We started the member consecrated finding activity on Tuesday, the first of February, and it is AMAZING! We have already found 2 new investigators during our hours and we have many potential investigators! I feel like Heavenly Father is just opening the windows of heaven and pouring blessings out! I am so thankful for the faith and the prayers of the members. We keep receiving more and more cards in the mail...I think we have about 45 now and I think they'll just keep coming! Our investigators are doing okay. Silvester ended up cancelling our appointment this week because of work which was a bummer! Suleyka came to the JOVO Centrum on Thursday with her boyfriend and another friend. She is doing some awesome missionary work! Her boyfriend came up to us at the end and said that he wants to receive the lessons from us. MIRACLE! We are going to teach him at Suleyka's on Tuesday night. We also taught Mary on Friday with Shaila and she came to church on Sunday. We are being extremely blessed!
I hope that you are doing well and feel the love of the Savior as you go throughout your week! I love you so much! I love this work! I am so thankful for this extra time that I get to serve! I feel like there are some trials that are coming up (being sick) that I wasn't expecting, but that is always a time to grow and come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Thanks for everything!
Love, Zuster Sharp

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